UoB to Organize Student “Robotics” Competition Next Week

An internal robotics competition to develop students’ abilities to design and program robots will take place at the UoB Faculty of Engineering on Monday, 19 March 2018.

Ahead of the Third IET GCC Robotics Challenge at the end of April this year, participants will compete in the design of innovative robots according to standards set by the British Electrical Engineers Organization (IET). Designing robots require taking into account technical specifications, weight and the ability of a robot to carry and deliver objects, as well as to avoid obstacles and collisions. Hosted by the UoB in collaboration with the IET in April 2018, The Third IET GCC Robotics Challenge aims to encourage young undergraduate students and young professionals (aged 16-25) across the GCC to build an innovative robust robot and compete in a pre-designed arena with space and time constraints utilizing their diverse academic and technical exposure.
2018-03-13T09:34:00+03:00March 13, 2018|Uncategorized|
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