UoB Trains Private School Teachers on Teaching Strategies 

Via Virtual Space 

UoB Trains Private School Teachers on Teaching Strategies 


Around 62 male and female teachers participated in an educational training course for private school teachers, organized by the Community Service Center at the University of Bahrain (UoB), in cooperation with the Bahrain Teachers College (BTC), through the MS Teams virtual communication platform. 

The course is scheduled to end on 17 January 2021, and it aims to provide private school teachers with the teaching basics they need to perform their educational functions to the fullest. 

Teachers will be studying five educational modules: educational psychology, classroom management, teaching strategies, lesson planning, and assessment and evaluation. 

As the teachers will train for 60 hours, under the supervision of the Vice President of UoB Alumni Affairs and Community Service, Dr. Mohammed Saleh Al-Ansari. 

This course comes within the programs of the Center for Community Service and Continuing Education to link the University to the community by establishing continuous communication with all its institutions and sectors, to achieve the University’s active participation in the development process in the Kingdom, support and employ the University’s scientific, human and material capabilities to serve the community, and find scientific solutions to the problems facing the Bahraini society. 

2021-10-25T08:13:28+03:00October 25, 2021|Uncategorized|
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