UoB’s “Business Incubator” Concludes A Series of Lectures on Creativity and Entrepreneurship

Sakhir – University of Bahrain (Khadija Abdulsalam)
25 April 2022
The Business Incubator Center at the University of Bahrain (UoB) concluded a series of lectures on creativity and entrepreneurship, as it organized the last two lectures recently, on startups and innovation in companies, which were attended by a number of university students and academics, in addition to those not affiliated with the University, as all the lectures were open to everyone, to learn about the experience of entrepreneurs in institutions and startups.
The “Emerging Companies” lecture was presented by the founder of Axelerate Academy, Mohammed Issa, in which he touched on a set of principles that must be applied when establishing a startup company in order to contribute to the company’s success, and to avoid the obstacles that entrepreneurs face at the beginning of their entrepreneurial journey. Also, he reviewed the most important principles that should be carefully applied, to accelerate the growth and expansion of emerging companies in various fields such as marketing, sales, customer service, and others.
While the CEO of Impactique, Sahar Al-Baharna, gave a lecture on corporate innovation, in which she shared her experience, examples of enterprise innovation and its importance, case studies, and corporate innovation strategies and models. In addition to some of the success factors of corporate innovation represented in supporting leadership, clear strategic direction, small investments in various ideas, aligning the innovation idea with the enterprise strategy, and strategic cooperation. Also, she noted that large companies have the potential to innovate, because they have the financing, resources, market access, and strong branding.
Moreover, the Center hosted the CEO and Co-Founder of “Doctori” company, Ahmed Wafiq Mahmood, in the “Getting to Know Entrepreneurs Series”, in addition to the Executive Director of Limefish Design, Younis Attia, with a lecture on “The Brand: What? Why? and How?”, and Tamkeen’s Senior Analyst, Noor Al Buhumaid, with a lecture on “The Action Plan for Entrepreneurial Projects”.

2022-05-08T14:15:18+03:00April 25, 2022|Uncategorized|
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