UoB’s “Business Incubator” Receives the Applications of those Wishing to Join  

The Launch of a Diversified Pre-Incubation Program with the Participation of Entrepreneurs from Bahrain and Abroad 

UoB’s “Business Incubator” Receives the Applications of those Wishing to Join  


The University of Bahrain (UoB) Business Incubator invited students and graduates who have ideas for starting a business to join it, announcing the launch of a set of rehabilitation workshops to help them enhance and develop their ideas to move towards establishing the business.  

The Director of the Business Incubator Center at UoB, Dr. Israa Ahmed Wali, said that the incubator has received many applications to benefit from the programs and events that it organizes, noting that entrepreneurs from inside and outside Bahrain participate in its program. 

Furthermore, she stated that “The incubator program includes a pre-incubation preparation phase, and an incubation phase, where the participant receives several advantages and services, including guidance and direction, connecting with investors, allowing him to practice marketing and participating in exhibitions, and so on.” 

Regarding her evaluation of the ideas presented by the students, she said ” Many ideas include creative aspects, and some of them aim to serve society and consumers.” Also, she added, “However, a good and novel idea does not necessarily require the project to become a commercial project, as several factors control that.” 

Moreover, she stressed the importance of student entrepreneurs mastering the skills necessary for the success of their projects and managing their time, resources and capabilities soundly. 

In addition, Dr. Israa Wali advised students to “take the initiative to present their ideas, and not to be befuddled and hesitant, but rather to conduct market studies, explore the needs of consumers, and move towards implementing their ideas.” 

Furthermore, she indicated that the path of a pioneer requires sacrifice, hard work and continuity, stressing that “the University of Bahrain Incubator will provide its affiliates with guidance, direction and advice, in addition to allowing them to use the University’s equipment and facilities, such as laboratories and halls, as much as possible.” 

2021-10-25T13:47:07+03:00October 25, 2021|Uncategorized|
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