UoB’s “Engineering” Proposes 35 Research Topics to Postgraduate Students 

With their Consistency with the Economic Vision and Modern Research Trends 

UoB’s “Engineering” Proposes 35 Research Topics to Postgraduate Students 

The College of Engineering at the University of Bahrain (UoB) has called on postgraduate students at the College to seize research topics for their thesis by taking advantage of the 35 titles of scientific topics it proposed, noting that these titles keep pace with modern applications and developments in engineering sciences, and are in line with national and regional research priorities, and Bahrain Economic Vision 2030. 

The Dean of the College of Engineering at the University, Dr. Fuad Mohammed Al-Ansari, stated that “The proposed research titles relate to the latest research trends in engineering sciences, such as artificial intelligence, renewable energy, big data, and communication networks, and they take into consideration what the Bahrain Economic Vision 2030 called for.”. 

Furthermore, he indicated the importance of “encouraging research and development in higher education institutions, to build a knowledge-based economy and to increase the level of competition that requires increased productivity and innovative solutions, which are some of the cornerstones of Bahrain’s economic vision.” 

Also, Dr. Al-Ansari explained that “In this sense, titles were offered for postgraduate theses for master’s and PhD students at the College of Engineering, which revolve around engineering frameworks in dealing with modern issues and applications, including big data, digital analysis of big data, emerging energy, and artificial intelligence systems for civil applications, overhead photography, vehicle movement, transportation, medical applications, advanced robotics systems, and engineering applications in manufacturing and industry compatible with the fourth industrial revolution.”. 

Furthermore, he continued, “Our concept revolves around encouraging students to seize these titles to help have further development in these tracks, including titles related to energy, methods of analysis and management of artificial intelligence tools for energy rationalization, patterns of building depots to store emerging energy, and the pattern of energy distribution and smart monitoring.”. 

Also, the Dean of the College of Engineering stated that “the titles set included studies related to the smart management system for engineering projects, licenses, deep learning in industrial systems, deep learning in communication network systems, and the fifth generation of these networks,” noting that ” students were introduced to these studies and the details related to them in a step to help students take the appropriate research orientation for industrial challenges, after completing the scientific requirements and submitting the thesis.”. 

2021-10-26T08:22:58+03:00October 26, 2021|Uncategorized|
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