Vice President for Academic Programs and Graduate Studies Office

Home » Vice President for Academic Programs and Graduate Studies Office

Dr. Mohammed Redha Qader

Vice President for Academic Programs and Post Graduate Studies


The Vice President for Academic Programs and Graduate Studies Office seeks to develop the academic performance of the University, by following up on the colleges in reviewing and developing their academic programs, ensuring their quality, verifying the application of international standards, proposing new programs that meet the requirements of the labor market, following up on postgraduate affairs, and developing and developing faculty members, and improving their performance in the field of education, learning and university evaluation, through faculty development programs, follow-up of academic promotion affairs and systems, developing academic university systems and regulations, and creating new systems that achieve the desired development requirements.
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  1. Studying the proposals submitted by colleges and academic centers represented in: establishing new colleges, offering new academic programs or courses, or amending courses, and submitting its recommendations to the University Council, in a way that contributes to meeting the needs of the Bahraini labor market, and keeps pace with scientific development and progress.
  2. Following up on scientific research and its development, monitoring the research achievements of the faculty members at the University, working to maximize them, and linking them to the needs and requirements of the labor market.
  3. Working on launching scientific and academic initiatives that would develop the academic staff, enhance the University’s resources, and attract global expertise and competencies in various academic disciplines, to effectively contribute to the University’s research production, and optimizing it within the advanced rankings of prestigious universities.
  4. Supervising the development of a program to prepare faculty members, in line with international best practices in this field, and developing transparent and objective assessment tools for evaluating faculty members, which will have a positive impact on the teaching process at the University.
  5. Coordinating with the Dean of Graduate Studies in following up the academic performance of the University’s scholarship students, and submitting an annual report on them to the University Council.
  6. Submitting a proposal on the University’s plan to face academic risks, follow up on its implementation and development, and submit reports thereon.



Vise President Office

Dr. Mohammed Redha Qadar            Tel: 17498090           Fax: 17449911                   E-mail: