With the Participation of More Than 200 Academics from All Colleges.. The Excellence Unit at UoB Holds a Workshop on Exchange Visits Between Peers

University of Bahrain (Yasmeen Khalaf)

14 November 2021

The Excellence in Education and Leadership Skills Unit at the University of Bahrain (UoB) recently held its first workshop in the Unit’s second intensive week, coinciding with the students’ mid-semester break, in which more than 200 faculty members from all the University’s colleges participated.

The workshop was entitled “Exchange Visits Between Peers”, and was presented by the coordinator of the Graduate Certificate Program in Academic Practices in the Unit, the Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the College of Engineering at the University, Dr. Hayat Abdullah Yousef, who introduced the participants to the foundations to be followed in holding exchange visits and peer monitoring, and how to reach meaningful common solutions to improve the performance of the educational process, and develop the academic practice of a faculty member.

As the workshop aimed to develop the performance of faculty members, and improve teaching and learning methods through self-development and peer sharing.

For her part, the Director of the Excellence in Education and Leadership Skills Unit, Dr. Diana Abdulkarim Al-Jahromi, explained that the workshop reflects the policy of exchange visits between peers at UoB, which aims to enable all faculty members to mutually benefit from the development of the teaching-learning process, by developing a framework that enables and promotes sharing, discussion, and reflection on best practices in teaching and learning.

This policy works to improve the level of teaching, and identifies strengths and weaknesses in the teaching methods practiced by faculty members in the light of the latest educational theories and studies, and it has a pivotal role in identifying common challenges, and finding innovative new solutions collaboratively between instructors, in addition to spreading a culture of awareness of the importance of developing teaching methods, which contribute to enhancing student learning in colleges, departments and academic centers, and achieving quality in the University’s learning outputs, and the academic programs and courses, in a way that ensures sustainability in the process of continuous improvement of the quality of learning and teaching at UOB, based on the UoB’s Policy on Peer Teaching Observation, which was issued in 2020.

2022-01-11T09:42:14+03:00November 14, 2021|Uncategorized|
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